How long does shipping take?

You´ll receive a tracking code for your order in the shipping confirmation email.

All  packages are shipped from our warehouses in Asia, Suisse and United States, delivery times will vary based on your proximity to the city. Typical shipping windows are:

Europe: 7-12 business days*

International shipping: 10-15 business days

*P.S.S Due to the high volume, our current warehouse processing time is 1-20 business days, depending on the item you ordered

How can I track my order?

Tracking information is sent to your email when your order ships. You may also receive a text message with info regarding shipping

What happens if you do not get your package?

Please contact us, this is very important to us! Our goal is to make sure our customers are happy and satisfied. If you do not get your package, we will open an investigation with our Shipping Carriers as to why you have not received that package.

Return, Cancelation & Refund Policy?

TakeCareOf™will accept any cancelations or refunds within 24-hours upon purchase. However, any cancellations and refunds are subject to a $7 USD penalty cost.